Welcome back game developers, students, and gamers to GDWC 2021 Awards!
Today is the second day of the GDWC 2021 Awards! We start this day on 12pm GMT+2 as usual, and our main programme is:
At 12:05 PM GMT+2 we will hold Student Game Award Nominee Showcases, presenting the games produced by various university and not only students!
After the Student Award Nominees, Hobby Nominee Showcases will take place. Hobby games are non-commercial projects, and are usually passion projects. They begin at 2:15 PM GMT+2.
The Mobile Nominee Showcase will begin at 2:40 PM GMT+2. Mobile gaming became the most vital part of the Gaming Industry, due to its accesibility and mobility.
After the Mobile Nominee Showcase, at 4 PM GMT+2 FinnRuns booth will take place. FinnRuns will explain how speedruns work and showcase their first-attempts of running new Indie Titles.
Following the FinnRuns booth, the Arcweave team will demonstrate how Arcweave allows for the structuring of geography, dialogue sequences, and logic in such a way that all data can be passed on to a game engine for the rest of the development with a prototype point-and-click adventure game. At 5:45 GMT+2, the booth will open.
The Pro PC Nominee Showcase will be held at 6:10 PM GMT+2. These games are released mostly on PC and either ported or not on consoles.
Awards page with Schedule:https://thegdwc.com/awards/#schedule