Welcome game developers, students, and gamers to GDWC 2021 Awards!
Today is the first day of the GDWC 2021 Awards! We start this day on 12pm GMT+2 with the opening, and then our main programme for the day!
At 12:05 PM GMT+2 we will hold Fan Favorite Nominee Showcases, presenting the Indie Titles chosen by our fans for the nomination.
After the Fan Favorite Nominees, the Game Factory Talents' Reqruitment booth will be open, where they tell you more about the Games Jobs Fair and them. They perform at 2 PM GMT+2.
The Pro Consoles Nominee Showcase will begin at 2:40 PM GMT+2. These games were nominated regardless of whether they are exclusive to platforms or not; some are available on both PC and consoles.
The VR Awards Nominees Showcase takes place at 4:50 PM GMT+2. Virtual Reality has grown in popularity over the last two years, making this Nomination's Finalists one of the most intriguing games available: it is both entertaining and educational in terms of how people may mix VR technology into games to make them more enjoyable.
The Game Jam Nominees Showcase will be held at 6:20 PM GMT+2. Game Jams are events in which developers attempt to create a video game from the scratch or on a certain theme.
Awards page with Schedule: https://thegdwc.com/awards/#schedule