BusinessOulu invites people from around the world to Game Team Seminar on the GDWC 2021 Awards, everyone is welcome to join! Their goal is to build a network of people interested in games and the Gaming Industry and get to know the field from a Business Perspective.
You can join either as an individual, in which case they will help you find a team, or as an existing team. Participation is free of charge. Don't worry, nobody will be single, you will find yourself a friend. ;)
One of our judges of the Student Game Award Jussi Autio, Creative Director at Resistance Games, will attend the event and will be facilitating the first stage. Jussi is a Business oriented Game Designer with 16 years of experience in the Game Industry. He is also a coach, consultant and serial-entrepreneur.
BusinessOulu joins the GDWC 2021 Awards on 16th of March 14:00 / 2 pm (GMT+2) as a part of their Seminars.

Read more about the Seminars here:
Proceed to the Game Team Seminar on 16th here: