Fan Favorite Vote 35 winner is Coromon by TRAGsoft, a three-person game development team from Netherlands!
"A JRPG-like monster taming game set in near future. Explore a charming pixel world filled with challenging puzzles, interesting creatures and titanic bosses. Dive into this compelling story that leads you to a mysterious disruption."

Second place was taken by OMFG: One Million Fatal Guns by Gun Hit Wonders (USA)
"OMFG: One Million Fatal Guns kicks back into action in this fast-paced, over-the-top, roguelike, first person shooter. Shoot your way through a robot-hijacked space station, collecting more and more powerful guns as you go."

In third place, we have The Mortuary Assistant by DarkStone Digital (USA)
"Perform embalmings while trying to survive a demonic possession. Complete your mortuary duties, identify the demonic presence, and banish it back to hell to save your soul."
Rest of the Nominees (in alphabetical order)
Carnage by [Insert Name] Studios (Sweden)
No Plan B by GFX47 (France)
Noir Storm - A Classic Adventure Game by Diskeletton Studios
Purple Desert by Fantastic Team (USA)
Ravenous Devils by Bad Vices Games (Italy)
There You Are by Funky Dango