Fan Favorite Vote 33 winner is Avian by Royale Monkey, a team of students from France!
"Avian is an adventure musical experience, where you play as the last guardian tasked to save his world with his ancestral flute! Save your fallen brothers in this refreshing game, where you play as a guardian of a long lost civilization. You are the last hope of your world as your brothers have fallen in battle... Will you step up to the adventure?"

Second place was taken by Access Code Zero by gamesbynoe (Uzbekistan).
"Access Code Zero tells the story of a spy operation at the Quarantine Bay complex, captured by a group of separatists called HOMOGENES. The main character of the game Bijou, must infiltrate the Quarantine Bay, find researches data, and get back safely."

In third place, we have Lifeslide by Dreamteck from Bulgaria.
"Lifeslide is an atmospheric paper plane flight adventure through life where the player masters a unique flight mechanic they travel through an ever-changing landscape. Each stage is a new challenge, and it takes smart choices and split-second decisions to reach further."
Rest of the Nominees (in alphabetical order)
Beyond Horizon by Gleb Mirolyubov (Russia)
Deep Night Detective by Trainwreck Studios (USA)
Extra Coin by Cinic Games (Italy)
GlowFall by BlackSheep (Portugal)
Magic Twins by Flying Beast Labs (Spain)
The Revenge of Sophia Red by Sleepy Creepy Studio (Austria)